Thursday, January 3, 2008

Motorcycle bus lane pilot study from London

Pilot study

Bus lanes operate in order to give buses priority over general traffic in London. Motorcycles, and other privatised forms of motor traffic, are not permitted to use bus lanes in London to ensure this priority is successful. Approval is required from the Department of Transport (DfT) in order to change this regulation.

The Mayor, and TfL, receives many requests from motorcyclists to be allowed to use bus lanes across London. TfL has also discussed this issue with the motorcycle organisations and while we understand their reasons for wanting motorcyclists to use bus lanes, there are concerns over the impacts of existing users of these facilities, particularly in terms of the safety for users such as cyclists.

As a result we have introduced three pilot studies, with approval from the DfT, to help inform the London and national debate on whether or not to allow motorcycles to use bus lanes.

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